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Course Summary

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Ellie Calhoun

Ellie started her career as a Licensed Massage Therapist and quickly learned, first hand, about the power of Rossiter Stretching to get out of pain. Rossiter became an integral part of her work with clients and led her to the study of movement. Studying Core Movement Integration® and embracing a personal practice of mindful movement has had a large impact on her life and has also become a part of her work with clients. Ellie continues her studies about the human body, anatomy and movement and shares her knowledge and learning with clients daily. Neurokinetic Therapy®, AiM, Breathing methods and Lymphatics each have been integrated into her work. Ellie helps people take charge of their wellness and learn best core movement and breathing practices so they can move better, with ease and joy every day.

Core Movement Integration Practitioner, Advanced Rossiter Coach and Instructor, NKT®, Licensed Massage Therapist and Life Long Student of Breath.

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